Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pandora's Legacy - A Lecture (29.4.09)

The BG/BRG Stainach community is invited to a lecture by Joey Sandrock and members of the 6th and 8th forms. The lecture will take place Wednesday, April 29, at 7:30 pm in the Media Room (2.OG) of BG/BRG Stainach.

Pandora's Legacy is an evening of theater, poetry, satire and lectures about women's status around the world, from the Greeks and Romans to modern day Afghanistan, Africa, America, Austria, China, and Iran.

Please join us for this special ENGLISH evening!

A New Blog!

Hello All!

I've been asked to write a blog in English for Die Kleine Zeitung. Please check out GASTSPIEL ("Guest Performance") at http://www.meinekleine.at/gastspiel

If there is enough interest in the blog (i.e. if there are enough "hits"), the Kleine Zeitung says it will publish my own page in the newspaper!

Thanks for your support!